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You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers

What is the school schedule?​

The day begins at 7:45 am with dismissal at 2:25 pm. Christ Lutheran School follows the calendar of the Chippewa Falls Unified School District. We also follow the Chippewa Falls Schools' winter school closings for inclement weather.


Is transportation provided?

Chippewa Falls Unified School District will provide bus transportation for grades Kindergarten through 8th grade within the Chippewa area. Parents need to make arrangements directly with the Chippewa Yellow Bus Company (715-726-2454). Some parents prefer to carpool.


Is there a dress code?

Christ Lutheran School does not require uniforms, but all students need to dress modestly. See Parent and Student Handbook for guidelines. 


Are hot lunches provided?

Hot lunch is no longer provided.  Students will be required to bring a lunch from home each day.

We do provide Pizza Fridays each month.  

See Info tab for dates and order form.  Payments/orders are due the Tuesday before each Pizza Friday.  Alternately, parents may choose to pay for the entire year of Pizza Fridays at the beginning of the year.


Are students required to be members of Christ Lutheran Church or another Lutheran Church?

Students and parents are not required to be members of Christ Lutheran Church or another Lutheran church.  We are a Christian School that accepts students from all denominations.


What is taught in Bible Class and Chapel?

Pastor Stenzel conducts Chapel for all students each Wednesday morning. All parents and friends are welcome to attend. The Bible is taught as the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God sufficient for all needs. Children are required to participate in Bible Class and Chapel.


How is the school financed?

Christ Lutheran School is a ministry supported by Christ Lutheran Church and by tuition and donations of parents and friends of the school. A non-refundable registration fee is required with the enrollment application. See Tuition Schedule for tuition rates.

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